Monday, August 23, 2010

The Information Revolution

Information is how we're going through evolution as a species IMO, and it is a way for us to learn about each other, share our experiences, knowledge and feelings. This is very interesting. But as information evolves into a more digital age, what happens to the value of it? Information is valued by the way we read and the way we process it. The more we have, the less we know. Little value is placed on information by students that have infinite access to it. What has happened is the creative restructuring of information is gone. It's all about the copy and paste. Basically the video was making the statement that most of the information on the Internet is highly questionable. Since when has the information in a book been accurate? There’s really no way of saying. Everyone once knew the world was flat, what will we know tomorrow? While our faith in published information may be so adamantly resolute, it’s all based on human logic, which is far from infallible. Some books are great footnotes, depending on the quality you are searching in your own statement. The Internet is possible to a current perspective, which can develop from the first statement. So...where is the justification that either is going to be satisfying? It is about history and perception, most things should be sought for integrity, and that belief will be the individual's work to gain. Theoretically speaking, all of the information is simply more easily stored and accessed through technology. We never needed to rethink information and we never really did. All that we have done is reconsidered where and how we imprint this information so that it can be later found and analyzed. As for experience, people do come in contact with these things through daily contact with the world. Whether in newspapers or in conversation. I don't think people have changed the experience, but are conversing differently, and maybe information is causing some sort of change in understanding between circumstances, where culture is changing. This might be mistaken as counterculture, but it isn't, unless culture is predominantly apathetic...which I am not sure.