Sunday, March 18, 2012


I came across this site the other day, and I was wondering, are they selling these NES carts that have been customized in a creative way? the answer is yes. Who would have ever thought that one day a bunch of people come together to use NES cartridges as canvases. And take the modern games in the present, then change the 3D front cover from the game box, and convert it into 8-bit works of art. That right there, inspires me to do something innovative with great ideas. I realize that a lot of old-school video game artwork has more detail put into them then the way certain games on the outside cover look these days. For those who take the classic games into consideration, then you'll appreciate this website and what it has to offer. Not quite sure if the other gamers (you know, the newbies or noobs) will even bother to care or they'll either take one good glance and go off on their business. Though it is not to say that people nowadays don't care, in fact, there a some who like to play the older games and wanted to know what it was like before the PS3 or the 360 ever came into existence. I on the other hand, take classic gaming considerably. For if such games such as; Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Rygar, Mega Man, and Street Fighter 2 etc., were to never exist, then we would've never had Mass Effect 3, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, or Infamous 2. We wouldn't be enjoying the modern games now, that most of you are familiar with. So in conclusion, even though if some particular 8-bit game looks primitive by today's standards, there's many game players out there who have many fond memories of the NES and so do I to. Thanks for reading, and click on the link below for more info.

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