Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Akumajo Special: Boku Dracula-kun!

What else can I say, Kid Dracula is a comical parody platform type of game of Konami's legendary vampire-killing action series, Castlevania. As the title states, this game really is something "special". In a sense where, it can have a menacing tone and a bloodcurdling atmosphere. While Transylvania is replaced by bold, colourful and comical sprites. As young Alucard traverses nine stages of soft-core platforming shenanigans. The stylistic kiddy transition: chibi-fied armoured knights, brain-dead zombies and those annoying flying bats will attempt to terrorise our naive protagonist. But make no mistake, Young Alucard, can not only transform into a bat, at the same time, he can use his awesome fireballs of fury to fight back - and later gaining upgrades through out his adventure. Characteristically, such faultless platforming combined with a charmingly, yet innocent ambiance, that blissfully pokes fun at everything that the proper Castlevania games took too seriously. Just watching him ascend a cog-filled clock tower whilst launching a barrage of mini-fireballs at an adorable-looking Frankenstein creature, later climbing up the famous stairway to the boss' keep with a crescent moon catching some Zs in the background. In overall, the gameplay is great and very fun to go through, seeing all the various screwed up areas and enemies. Alucard must go head on and face Galamoth to defeat him and bring peace to the world. If you never played this underrated NES classic, (or Famicom gem, which ever) might I suggest you try it, trust me, it's fun. It's definitely worth a stop by to say hi and check out this vibrant title and take on one of the greatest franchises ever.

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