Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nintendo's Wii U

Nintendo has finally launched the successor to the Wii, none other then the appropriately named Wii U. The console revolutionizes not just video gaming but home entertainment as well. The system itself is very sleek and well built. Wii owners will feel right at home upon booting up their new console and seeing the old “TV screen wall” menu of the Wii. Miis are back, and Nintendo seems to want them to play a more central role in the console, rather than serving as a peripheral sideshow as they did in the Wii. Speaking of which, the Wii U comes with a much larger eye to online play and community than any of its predecessors ever did. You are encouraged, right from the get-go, to register an online account on the Wii U so that you can access a variety of features it has packed in. It seems like Nintendo put a dual operating system in the Wii U to accomplish the backwards compatibility.

Only one tablet is used per console (technical limitations apparently preclude the use of more), so any multiplayer games use Wiimotes for all other players. This actually opens up some pretty interesting options for multiplayer games. Having one player with access to a different controller and their own private screen hidden from their peers actually makes for some pretty interesting game play. The Wii U Gamepad is decent quality. But it's a good size, the display is nice, and for simple casual games like Nintendo Land or the New Super Mario Bros. U, it's great. the overall experience is rewarding.

Including placeholders for various third party services – specifically, Youtube, Hulu, and Amazon. At time of writing these services are not online, but bulletins on the console state that they will be activated at a later date. Now don’t get me wrong, Nintendo consoles are just that, video game consoles – not media centers, not supercomputers, just video game consoles. And that’s the whole point, that's part of the reason why the original Wii was successful – instead of bogging itself down in details or trying to do everything, as Microsoft and particularly Sony attempted to do with their respective consoles, Nintendo set out to make a machine that played video games and, in doing so, made a simple, easy-to-use piece of technology that was convenient. And if you're the type that enjoys streaming movies onto your Xbox 360 or setting up a music library on the PS3, you may be pleased to hear that Nintendo is taking its first tepid steps in that same direction. The additions of the above services certainly don't take away from Nintendo’s new gaming system.

So in summary, the new Wii U is fun, works well (especially for a new product on launch day!), has great graphics and is a must have, especially for any fans of Nintendo.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Wu-Tang's GZA/Genius Liquid Swords Chess Box

First, we were introduced to the 36 Chambers of the Wu-Tang Clan in 1993. Then, in 1995, another classic was unleashed "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx" courtesy of the dynamic duo of Raekwon The Chef & Ghostface Killah. Only a couple of months after, we entered the brain of GZA the Genius. His introspective verbal assault on the mic shows how deep this man's mind goes. The GZA has created wonderful flawless Hip-Hop that he pieced together himself perfectly, just like a jigsaw puzzle. He is arcane and yet, exciting, galvanizing, and lyrically furious. This album stands out because of its raw, dark, grimy, and gritty tone.

This box set from the Wu-Tang Clan’s GZA/Genius, the emcee/lyricist, is know for his lyrical ability to give metaphors and punch lines, drops the classic sophomore album, Liquid Swords, which came out in July 24, 2012. But all you mainstream rap listeners who don’t know ish about Real Hip-Hop, may have missed it. Besides the album that features keys cuts like "Shadowboxin'," "Cold World," and "4th Chamber," the 2-CD "Chess Box" comes with the LPs instrumentals (all RZA productions) and a miniature chess set.

The Shaolin style in this album is high. The first track kicks off with energy on 'Liquid Swords', which, as usual, boasts samples from a Kung-Fu movie flick called “Shogun Assassin”. This is not only one of the essential albums of the Wu-solo efforts, but it's also one of the essential Hip-Hop albums of the '90s. In terms of conceptual realization, Liquid Swords is a blueprint for the perfect Wu record. Intellect should be a weapon of survival when you're "Living In The World Today" of 2012. It's a historical artifact on an otherwise up-to-date album, one which is more important now that Hip-Hop needs a refresher on the essence of skills.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Fat Boys Pizza Box Set Special Edition

The Fat Boys, are gearing up for a re-release of their 1984 self-titled debut, but it will come as a special edition ... in a pizza box. The Fat Boys were a pioneering Hip-Hop trio comprised of Prince Markie Dee, Kool Rock-Sky and the late Buff Love. Their debut album's cover art featured the trio eying various snacks, including a pizza, ice cream, and hamburgers. Not to mention, the Human Beat-box holding a nameless beverage as well. Now, the Sutra Records release, produced by Kurtis Blow, is being re-issued as a special edition. 

From the early days of the group, to after their success of the first record, to an often unheard piece of audio history where Mike introduces them as a winner of the “Tin Pan Apple After Dark Dance & Rap Contest”, a gig that landed them their first record deal. The re-issued version will include all seven original tracks, along with three bonus cuts, interviews, and a Mr. Magic Rap Attack Promo.

The album dropped in May 1984, and was eventually certified Gold. It features the singles: "Fat Boys," "Stick ’Em," "Can You Feel It," and "Jailhouse Rap". Not only does the remastered sound great, but you get some really good bonus material. It has great packaging, re-mastering, liner notes, and bonus tracks. Unaccredited track 15 is especially cool. This is how a re-issue should be done. This was when Rap & Hip-Hop was raw, fun, and had no boundaries. The Fat Boys give you that good feeling, like everything is going to be all right no matter what. So go order a few pizzas, put on this re-mastered classic, and just stick ‘em, ha ha ha stick ‘em. 

Well, the Fat Boys aren't really back, they're just re-issuing their debut album again after 28 years.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Interview With A Clown Pigeon

Good evening, or good morning, or good afternoon, or whatever you consider to be proper. I honestly don't care about your opinion on how indecent and unacceptable it may be. This is my introduction post based on an interview with a winged feathery-like asshole, and if you don't like it, then you can piss off. Now, moving on, this interview involves a rather funny looking sub-species of a bird. It's called a pigeon. What, you couldn't take a guess? you couldn't use your own brain inside of that cranium of yours to have an idea on what the hell I'm talking about? Oh, so you do have a brain after all to make a second guess. So anyway, you ask, what is a clown pigeon? Well, it's a special type of a feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic, vertebrate-like specimen. That has developed psychokinetic powers, psychic abilities and telepathy. They can mentally read your mind and thoughts through out the process by using telekinesis. I know, I know, it may seem hard to believe, but, if you think that I'm some nut job who makes weird extraordinary claims. And discovered a rare unique pigeon that can talk to you telepathically. And can give you insight on how to become less of an asshole. Then, quite frequently, I don't give a shit.

Let's move on shall we, upon arrival of this foolish looking-like ass clown, I had to ask what was it like through out his life in general. All details, opinions, and questioning involving within' this interview about me asking him a bunch of random questions, is of my concerns only, and not of yours. Thank You, and enjoy

An Interview With An Clown Pigeon,

Me: Hello Mr.Puffball, can I call you Puffball? anyway, so let's begin on how you've been throughout the years.What was it like?

Clown Pigeon: Well, I'm not sure you should do that, because I have something called "feelings" and felt a bit offended by you saying such a racial animal slur. However, about you asking me on weather what happened through out the years. I pretty much can safely say that I had somewhat of good times in the past. Though, nothing is happening at the moment, but if something were to come up, I'll let myself know that. And then maybe I'll give an answer to make my point across. Depending if another interviewer were to ask any familiar questions relatively related to what was current.

Me: Sorry about that, I apologize, it's just, that, I can't help for the fact that you look fluffy and pudgy both at the same time. I was trying to articulate and explain a certain aspect on how the vast chunkiness of a particular type of bird has a redeeming outlook to it. That gives the impression of something that can be squeezable.

Clown Pigeon: So your saying that I'm an object of some sort? what is this a joke? I hope it is.

Me: Oh, come on, you really think I would be making such a claim? Why would I do such a thing? What would I gain out of it even though it seems rather silly.

Clown Pigeon: Do you have any question that has meaning. This time with substance.Without any source of offensive remarks.

Me: Offensive remarks? Look, I wasn't trying to offend anybody, okay, so just calm down for a moment and breath.....but can I please move towards another topic so I can maintain a coherent interview with consistency maintaining a balance?

Clown Pigeon: Yes, you may, but keep in mind that if I catch you messing around, giving me complete flat out nonsense and bullshit then I will have to deliberately kick you in the balls. 

Me: Ha!, yeah right, I could easily put my foot up your ass like there's no tomorrow. And then use a boxing glove to knock your ass out in a heart beat. But anyways, like I was saying, how was life growing up?

Clown Pigeon: You really think your funny huh? well, I'll try to respond to your shallow statement even though it is of no importance to me. In my life, I have seen a lot of shit take place in front of my own two eyes. There was one time were I was flying across a building and all of sudden, there was a guy with a clown nose. He stared at me, and I looked back at him as if I was like, "WTF are you looking at bitch" up until this point, I had enough of this idiot looking right back at me, so I decided to read his mind. I was using my telepathic ability to interpret the ideas and thoughts of this asshole. Then I realized that he was thinking about dicks and cotton candy. I couldn't believe someone would think of such things.

Me: Yeah, me neither, who in the hell in their right mind thinks of such things in the first place? As I almost forgot to mention, what about your psychic abilities and psychokinesis, do you use them when your angry or pissed off? what about when someone tells you off, are you willing to move and throw certain items and objects in order to hurt them? Elaborate please,

Clown Pigeon: You have the nerve to talk to me as if I owe you an explanation, but here it goes.When I get really mad or angry, to an extent, I will throw an inanimate-like object at whoever is making fun of me, literally. I hope you don't test my patience because I'll know your deepest thoughts, fears, and even, your secrets that are suppressed in the back of your subconscious mind.

Me: Really? Well, listen dipshit, I don't have to take any empty threats from you or anyone else. You son of a bitch. I know one thing for sure, and that's, I hope someone throws a cream pie at your face and then you'll tell me if you like or not. Hey, I got a joke for you, does an insane pigeon go "cooo cooo" or is it the one that has a stray jacket on?

Clown Pigeon: Oh you know what I had it with you, if I find you, I swear I'll track you down and give you the middle finger. Then I'll mentally throw a whole bunch of solid objects at you to make your stupid ass run real fast away from me.

Me: And I hope you get hit by a bus! I'm not scared by the likes of you, without further a due, I declare this interview to be over. Go screw yourself you cunt licker. You probably couldn't find your way out of a pigeon hole. The tolerance level within' this discussion is coming to a halt. Maybe next time well have more of a better sense of understanding between the differences of clown pigeons and fucking assholes who can go shove a stick of dynamite up their rectum. Take care, or if not, then fuck you very much. Signing out, Peace

Clown Pigeon: I'm giving you a warning, you better take heed otherwise I'll go inside your mind and make you go bat shit insane. Then I'll...

Me: Oh shut the f**k up already, will you? I'm done with you, you telepathic psycho-kinetic retard. But thank you for your cooperation, bitch.

So there you have it folks, an interview with a clown pigeon. Hope your satisfied, if not, then fuck off and go to some blog where there's happy bullshit and retarded optimism. My next interview will be with a duck, but this time, he has sombrero (in case you don't know, it's a Mexican hat) and loves traveling around the world to find the best tasting taco. And that excludes Taco Bell. Until then, take care.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Akumajo Special: Boku Dracula-kun!

What else can I say, Kid Dracula is a comical parody platform type of game of Konami's legendary vampire-killing action series, Castlevania. As the title states, this game really is something "special". In a sense where, it can have a menacing tone and a bloodcurdling atmosphere. While Transylvania is replaced by bold, colourful and comical sprites. As young Alucard traverses nine stages of soft-core platforming shenanigans. The stylistic kiddy transition: chibi-fied armoured knights, brain-dead zombies and those annoying flying bats will attempt to terrorise our naive protagonist. But make no mistake, Young Alucard, can not only transform into a bat, at the same time, he can use his awesome fireballs of fury to fight back - and later gaining upgrades through out his adventure. Characteristically, such faultless platforming combined with a charmingly, yet innocent ambiance, that blissfully pokes fun at everything that the proper Castlevania games took too seriously. Just watching him ascend a cog-filled clock tower whilst launching a barrage of mini-fireballs at an adorable-looking Frankenstein creature, later climbing up the famous stairway to the boss' keep with a crescent moon catching some Zs in the background. In overall, the gameplay is great and very fun to go through, seeing all the various screwed up areas and enemies. Alucard must go head on and face Galamoth to defeat him and bring peace to the world. If you never played this underrated NES classic, (or Famicom gem, which ever) might I suggest you try it, trust me, it's fun. It's definitely worth a stop by to say hi and check out this vibrant title and take on one of the greatest franchises ever.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I came across this site the other day, and I was wondering, are they selling these NES carts that have been customized in a creative way? the answer is yes. Who would have ever thought that one day a bunch of people come together to use NES cartridges as canvases. And take the modern games in the present, then change the 3D front cover from the game box, and convert it into 8-bit works of art. That right there, inspires me to do something innovative with great ideas. I realize that a lot of old-school video game artwork has more detail put into them then the way certain games on the outside cover look these days. For those who take the classic games into consideration, then you'll appreciate this website and what it has to offer. Not quite sure if the other gamers (you know, the newbies or noobs) will even bother to care or they'll either take one good glance and go off on their business. Though it is not to say that people nowadays don't care, in fact, there a some who like to play the older games and wanted to know what it was like before the PS3 or the 360 ever came into existence. I on the other hand, take classic gaming considerably. For if such games such as; Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Rygar, Mega Man, and Street Fighter 2 etc., were to never exist, then we would've never had Mass Effect 3, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, or Infamous 2. We wouldn't be enjoying the modern games now, that most of you are familiar with. So in conclusion, even though if some particular 8-bit game looks primitive by today's standards, there's many game players out there who have many fond memories of the NES and so do I to. Thanks for reading, and click on the link below for more info.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Krispy Kreme Occult?

I don't know about you, but I'm just curious, can Krispy Kreme make evil doughnuts? if such a silly question came from a concerned individual, he or she would be ridiculed or mocked. However, in this case, this doesn't revolve around stupid superstitious beliefs by his or hers own delusion. Nevertheless, this does involve the issue of how it's possible to create a satanic doughnut, with red cream on it to give the impression of gory blood. Or how bout the pentagrams drawn on those bundles of fluffy dough. Now I don't know about you, but I get the feeling that if I start saying I were to like these doughnuts, I probably would be labeled as an occultic doughnut consumer. Just think of the possibility on how many born again idiots would be pissed and try to imagine a christian throwing holy water at some fatass who's eating red tasty treats with stars on 'em. I'm pretty sure somewhere in the Babel (oh, sorry, I meant the Bible) that it says not to eat cookies, cakes, and ice cream because it's a sin. What a crock of sh*t, no wait a minute, that whole book which is based upon fairy tales, is a load of sh*t, so it's obvious that only an imbecile takes it into consideration. And if you take this whole paragraph too seriously, and that, somehow, someway, I offended you for some odd reason, then you're a dumbass who can't take a joke. But, if you do have a sense of humor, then it's more likely that you understand and don't take in any offense at all. I'm just having some fun, that's all. As a matter of fact, I feel like I have a sudden urge for some hot, warm, cinnamon, glazed french curls. Anyway, I'll make another post next time on how pigeons are wanting to take over the world. Later,........................